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There’s nothing quite like camping—it’s a chance to spend time in nature and have fun with your friends or family. Every camping trip is a new adventure. Use the resources below to help you earn the Girl Scouts Brownie Cabin Camper badge.

1. Help plan your camping trip

2. Learn about camping gear

3. Prepare a camp meal
4. Learn a new camping skill

5. Go camping


Plan a camping adventure with your Girl Scout friends or family members!

Planning Printable

On the Trail
Image by S&B Vonlanthen


Bring your gear—like sleeping bags and flashlights—to a meeting and practice using it and setting it up with your troop. What will you do if it rains on your trip? What about if it gets very cold? Gets very hot?


S'mores Trail Mix

4 Cups Golden Grams

2 Cups Marshmallows 

1.5 Cups Chocolate Chips 

S'mores Printable 

Marshmallows over Campfire
Girl Camping


Games are even more fun on camping trips! You can play a game you already know, something you make up, or something you play in a new way.


Have you ever tied a clove hitch knot? Use the videos below to learn a few knots. Practice it until you can do it without the videos. Then use your knot tying skills on your trip!

Image by Mohamed Ziyaadh
Brownie Cabin Camper: Program
Brownie Cabin Camper: Pro Gallery
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